3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Health Today
Can I tell you something, and let's be honest...
There’s something that I didn’t realize when I first started working with people who want to make their health and wellness a priority. People are sick of feeling less than amazing, and people are confused about who to listen to for advice...
Can I tell you something, and let's be honest...
There’s something that I didn’t realize when I first started working with people who want to make their health and wellness a priority. People are sick of feeling less than amazing, and people are confused about who to listen to for advice...
Most of us already know a thing or two we need to be doing to improve our health and are not doing them!!
There is a lot of information (and mis-information) when it comes to the foods we eat. Just look at the variety of books in the ‘diet’ or ‘health’ section of your local bookstore. But when it comes down to it, we still know the basic things we should be doing to improve our health.
If I were to ask you, “What are three things you think you could be doing, to improve your health?” I'm almost positive I would get responses similar to these below:
1. Be more active.
2. Stop eating junk, stop drinking soda or stop smoking!
3. Eat more vegetables.
We intuitively know how to make ourselves well, but when it comes to following through, that’s where we fall apart. I know!! I have done it, too. I still do it, we are all human! I eat chips, I drink wine, and sometimes I don’t eat as well as I know I can. The most important thing to remember is that it is ok to let yourself induldge some, just know how to get yourself back on track! Follow the 80% : 20% rule!
For the next week, I’d like you to think about the obstacles that are stopping you from living your healthiest life. Think about it, journal about it, reflect on it.
What obstacles are standing in your way? Maybe you work long hours and cooking a healthy meal seems too time-consuming, or maybe you feel that the price of healthy food is too high. Perhaps you're too tired to get in a workout when you get home in the evening.
Your job for the next week is to simply think, reflect, and journal on these obstacles and come up with some ideas to knock these walls down. Knowing your obstacles, habits, and patterns will help you figure out how to work around them!!
I would love to hear your comments below. Tell me what is stopping you! Let’s work it out together! You've got this!!
The Magic 9 Letter Word
Did you know that studies show that practicing this one thing can make you 25% happier? That’s 25% more happiness, joy, positivity and optisimism, who doesn’t want that!! It boosts your immunity to anger, disappointment, and frustration and doubt. It's even been shown to heal pain and illness in your body. It can certainly heal relationships, especially with your beautiful and miraculous body.
Did you know that studies show practicing this one thing can make you 25% happier? That’s 25% more happiness, joy, positivity and optimism, who doesn’t want that!! It boosts your immunity to anger, disappointment, frustration and doubt. It's even been shown to heal pain and illness in your body.
That one thing is GRATITUDE,
and amazing things happen when you integrate it into your meditation and daily practice. Many of us are so caught up in looking forward to the future, especially in todays super-crazy fast paced life, reaching goals and dreams and can, at times, forget to cherish the things right in front of you, now, at this very moment. While dreams and ambitions are amazing things to want in life and to work towards, don't ever forget to be in the moment, the present and grateful for NOW. Your journey & life is your story, unique to you and no one else can have that, so don't let it pass you by without showing it some gratitude.
Here's a fun exercise to try:
1. As you sit down to meditate, breathe in deeply and begin to give thanks for your life. Give thanks for anything that pops into your head. No filter, just give thanks for it and show it appreciation.
2. Think about five things to be grateful for on this day. See these events as pictures. It may be the way your dog greets you when you get home or that nice person that let you have the parking space in the crowded lot, your family. Just let the images flow in and notice the feelings they give. This is a time for you to turn off all the negativity.
4. Remind yourself that whatever you focus on expands. When you focus on gratitude and positivity, you will get more of that in return. Usher in what you are wanting to come into your life
What you appreciate, appreciates.
This is one of the truest things I have ever heard. What you appreciate, appreciates. Be mindful that you will attract more abundance, love, and health by being grateful for your current state in these areas. Your body, your health, and your relationships can only be improved by honoring where they are in this moment. Enjoy this wild journey we call life and be sure to soak up each moment!!
Mindset Is Everything: One Thing That Could Be Holding You Back
We all know, all too well, the “If I can just (X), then I will (X)” daily mantra that seems to sneak into our daily thoughts ever so quickly. This is always the first thing that pops out of our mouths when we are visualizing our goals, what we want to do in life, weather it be personal, career oriented, health & wellness related or anything for that matter!! So what do you do about it??
We all know, all too well, the “If I can just (X), then I will (X)” daily mantra that seems to sneak into our daily thoughts ever so quickly. This is always the first thing that pops out of our mouths when we are visualizing our goals, what we want to do in life, weather it be personal, career oriented, health & wellness related or anything for that matter!! For example, I used to think, “If I could just be in the best shape of my life, ALL the time, then I would make a great fitness instructor”, or “If I can get my hypothyroidism, and diet, and fitness under control AND be able to maintain all those things, then I can help others who have the same issues as I do.”
[sidenote: this is such a crazy thing to even say out loud, I just have to laugh at myself sometimes!! Anyone with these issues knows what I’m talking about]
Seriously, what was I thinking?
This type of mindset is a never ending cycle and one you will never win. Just when you think you are where you want to be for that If-Then statement to become a reality, it will change. You will want to be in even better shape, or have everything under better control, and you will never fulfill what you’ve set out to do.
So for me and my health & fitness journey, I always have to remind myself, our bodies are capable of anything. It’s our minds we have to convince to back off and let us get there!
So what to do about it? Stop competing with others and start competing with yourself. Are you closer to your goals today than you were 3 weeks ago? Are you getting stronger? Are you more motivated to kick down the excuses than you were on day 1? Are you having fun? This is your story and your journey, no one else has a story exactly like you. In order to take strides towards what ever it may be you want to reach, you first must love and appreciate yourself and stop feeling that you're not ready. You have to value where you are right now and why you are starting on this new journey; you have to enjoy the process, and for goodness sake, give yourself some credit!! I love this saying, "I never lose. Either I win, or I learn". You are never going to know everything right this minute, so stop expecting that from yourself. Mindset is everything!