Lose weight!
live vibrantly!
despite having hypothyroidism!


Do you feel like hypothyroidism is hijacking your life, sabotaging your efforts to lose weight, keep it off and preventing you from living an energy filled life? Have you ever been told that "Your thyroid test came back in the normal range!" or "The dose of thyroid hormone you are on is perfect!" but you still feel hypothyroid symptoms? Or maybe you've heard, "Your weight gain is not due to your thyroid. Maybe you're eating too much and not getting enough exercise!" Sound familiar? It's a vicious cycle!

Work one-on-one with us to get to the root of your hypothyroid symptoms you are experiencing. Finally, stop guessing and stop the progression of thyroid disease, lose weight and keep it off, and have a more energetic life! Let's get rid of the bandages and get to real healing.

What You can expect when working with us


You will receive a nutrition guide and meal examples that will help you begin to design meals around what you should be eating. We will calculate your macros and carb tolerance and teach you how to eat intuitively based on these results. Don't worry, we will show you how to do this, and will tweak along the way as needed based on hormonal cues we will have you track.


You will receive a monthly workout calendar at the start of each month. We teach you how to workout smarter and not harder. You will learn how to progressively overload the muscles as well as the importance of rest recovery and stress management. Remember, strength training, in the right style, is imperative to change your metabolism and body composition.

measuring your personal progress

Each week we will have you track your measurements and progress photos. This is how we gauge fat loss and progress. This is another indicator we use to make tweaks along the way to make sure you are getting the results you want.

Continued education

The main pillars designed around what we coach are nutrition and fitness; but there are so many other lifestyle choices that can have a lasting impact on your health. Continued education is super important to what we teach clients, and being able to arm yourself with all the knowledge possible to have sustainable success is a goal of ours. Coaching materials will be delivered to you while working with us that will empower you to make your best decisions and adjustments to improve your overall health. Topics covered in our continued education are reducing toxic exposure, mindset, sleep and stress management, detox tools and so much more.

Are You Ready To Transform?