Mindset Is Everything: One Thing That Could Be Holding You Back
We all know, all too well, the “If I can just (X), then I will (X)” daily mantra that seems to sneak into our daily thoughts ever so quickly. This is always the first thing that pops out of our mouths when we are visualizing our goals, what we want to do in life, weather it be personal, career oriented, health & wellness related or anything for that matter!! For example, I used to think, “If I could just be in the best shape of my life, ALL the time, then I would make a great fitness instructor”, or “If I can get my hypothyroidism, and diet, and fitness under control AND be able to maintain all those things, then I can help others who have the same issues as I do.”
[sidenote: this is such a crazy thing to even say out loud, I just have to laugh at myself sometimes!! Anyone with these issues knows what I’m talking about]
Seriously, what was I thinking?
This type of mindset is a never ending cycle and one you will never win. Just when you think you are where you want to be for that If-Then statement to become a reality, it will change. You will want to be in even better shape, or have everything under better control, and you will never fulfill what you’ve set out to do.
So for me and my health & fitness journey, I always have to remind myself, our bodies are capable of anything. It’s our minds we have to convince to back off and let us get there!
So what to do about it? Stop competing with others and start competing with yourself. Are you closer to your goals today than you were 3 weeks ago? Are you getting stronger? Are you more motivated to kick down the excuses than you were on day 1? Are you having fun? This is your story and your journey, no one else has a story exactly like you. In order to take strides towards what ever it may be you want to reach, you first must love and appreciate yourself and stop feeling that you're not ready. You have to value where you are right now and why you are starting on this new journey; you have to enjoy the process, and for goodness sake, give yourself some credit!! I love this saying, "I never lose. Either I win, or I learn". You are never going to know everything right this minute, so stop expecting that from yourself. Mindset is everything!