Eating Healthy When You Are Crazy Busy
Let’s face it; SUMMER SEASON IS HERE!! We are all “crazy busy” with vacations, holidays, weddings, keeping the kids entertained this summer and can’t possibly fit another thing into our schedule. I wanted to share some tips with you for when you are really busy, out and about and always on the go but still want to eat healthy, take care of your body and make this “crazy busy” schedule work for you.
Let’s face it; SUMMER SEASON IS HERE!! We are all “crazy busy” with vacations, holidays, weddings, keeping the kids entertained this summer and can’t possibly fit another thing into our schedule. I wanted to share some tips with you for when you are really busy, out and about and always on the go but still want to eat healthy, take care of your body and make this “crazy busy” schedule work for you. Because, come on, it makes you feel GREAT to keep eating healthy, right?!
And we aren’t going to let “being busy” stop us from feeling great!!
Well, I have some tips for ya on what you can eat to stay healthy when you are busy!
Smoothies and Protein Shakes.
So fast, and perfect for on the go! Just pour some coconut water, rice milk, hemp milk or almond milk into the blender, then throw in your fruits AND some veggies (spinach, cucumber, romaine lettuce, just to name a few).
Add some protein if you would like (hemp seed or chia seed, or maybe a scoop of hemp/vegan protein powder).
For extra flavor, add some vanilla extract or dash of cinnamon.
Chop up a bunch of lettuce – romaine or red leaf – and add some spinach. Pile on some other veggies – tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, sliced beets, bell peppers, onions…whatever you like.
Add some protein. Choose pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, cooked organic chicken breast, kidney beans, sprouts, a hard-boiled egg, or salmon or tuna.
Make a quick dressing with olive oil, vinegar, a juiced lemon, or a couple sprays of Bragg’s Amino Acids (or just a bit of sea salt if you don’t have Bragg’s); find a combination you like! Watch out for dressings already bottled, check the lables!! Toss it all together and eat.
If you chop the veggies in bulk you can make a couple salads at a time, don’t add the dressing to them yet, and they usually last a couple days.
Know where you can get healthy take-out.
This could be from a nearby restaurant or you could find a place where you know you can get some healthier options. Have a few places in mind where you can get a great quick salad, cold pressed juices, who use raw whole foods and have fresh options to chose from. When traveling, do some research before hand and set yourself up to succeed.
Some of my favorite go-to places: Frutive, Virginia Beach, VA; SaladWorks, Virginia Beach, VA; Village Juice Co., Winston-Salem; any Panera; any McAlisters Deli; any Jason's Deli, just to name a few!
It’s always the small habits that add up. Don’t let yourself fall back into old habits that cause you to not feel so great! I’d love to hear from you, too: what and where do you like to eat when you are really busy?
How Food Affects Your Mood And Energy
I firmly believe in the old saying, “You are what you eat.” Junk in = feeling like junk, and rich, living, nutrient-dense food in = much happier body and mind. Don’t just take my word for it. We’ve all tried the junk in, junk out experiment, so don’t you think it’s time to rock your body and mind with some fresh and fabulous food?
Did you know that food has vibrations that allow it to create change in our bodies on a cellular level? So what does this mean and how does food affect your mood and energy. Food that is alive, raw and from the earth will energize and invigorate you, creating a positive change in mood and energy, while processed, pre-packaged, “dead food” will leave you feeling lethargic and uninspired, like a light that has fizzled out. Makes sense doesn’t it?
Dark green leafy vegetables are full of chlorophyll, which is basically liquid sunshine. Now, that’s what I’m talking about!! It is the substance in plants that allows them to absorb light from the sun and convert it into usable energy. When we consume raw dark green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and Swiss chard, we fill our body with the equivalent of the plant’s life blood – the very thing that allows a seed to flourish and take form.
Chemically, the blood of the plant, chlorophyll, is very similar to our blood and, when consumed, it helps us to oxygenate and breathe life into every cell. Pretty cool, huh? Chlorophyll is also extremely cleansing and detoxifying.
Here are some other high vibrational foods for you to try:
1. Tree Fruits – try apples, pears, bananas, coconuts, avocados, nectarines, peaches, plums, apricots, oranges, lemons, limes, mangos, pomegranates, blueberries, cherries, and olives.
2. Non-green veggies
3. Raw Cacao – chocolate in its pure form has over 1,200 phytonutrients. It contains nutrients like magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and manganese. It also contains phenylethylamine, which are the feel good characteristics, and theobromine which dilates the cardiovascular system to allow all the benefits to come in.
4. Goji Berries – packed with antioxidants, which can help minimize free radical damage to our cells.
5. Cultured and Fermented Foods –a great source of probiotics, which will help your digestion stay on track.
I firmly believe in the old saying, “You are what you eat.” Junk in = feeling like junk, and rich, living, nutrient-dense food in = much happier body and mind. Don’t just take my word for it. We’ve all tried the junk in, junk out experiment, so don’t you think it’s time to rock your body and mind with some fresh and fabulous food? By eating food that vibrates at a higher frequency, we increase our life-force energy and feel more radiant inside and out!!
Why Juicing Is So Beneficial
Did you know that when you make juice from raw vegetables, your body absorbs the nutrients within 15 seconds? Talk about a shot of energy! No need to buy those sugary concoctions from your local drug-store or grocery store that just gives you a crash later in the day. Juicing is an all-natural way to boost your energy and feel amazing.
Did you know that when you make juice from raw vegetables, your body absorbs the nutrients within 15 seconds? Talk about a shot of energy! No need to buy those sugary concoctions from your local drug-store or grocery store that just gives you a crash later in the day. Juicing is an all-natural way to boost your energy and feel amazing. When you juice your fruits and veggies, you end up extracting all the water and nutrients from them and leave behind only the plant fibers. By separating the fruit or vegetable from its fiber, we gain access to all of the amazing vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients which are much more easily assimilated by our body than if we were to eat them.
This allows your body to absorb the nutrients more quickly, without having to digest the dense bulk of the plant. You can also fit an amazing amount of veggies into a single glass of juice, making it a great way to use up those extra veggies from your garden or refrigerator. PLUS, you will end up with a glass of deliciousness that packs a powerful nutritional punch. This is also a great way to make sure you are getting enough veggies throughout the day, especially if you are someone who doesn't eat veggies regularly. Although some would also say that the cost of stocking enough fresh organic vegetables to make daily juices can be somewhat expensive, my feeling is that if you stop buying all of the pre-packaged foods/snacks you were buying, you will end up saving money in the long run on your food AND your doctor bills. And, you have to admit, there is such a satisfying feeling when drinking a glass full of real, whole foods doing amazing things for your body!
One more thing before I go: while you can control the quality of ingredients when you are making fresh juice at home, always read your labels when it comes to buying store-bought juice. These juices can be high in sugar and have a high glycemic load, which may cause blood sugar imbalances and can lead to fat storage! So grab out your juicer and get to juicing!
How To Avoid A Fast Food Joint When In A Pinch
How can we avoid being THAT hungry, craving something greasy, cranky as all get out, and that person who has lost all control for healthy determination in need of a fast fix?
Well, I am sure at one time or another we have all found ourselves on the drive thru line, starving, and craving some food that will provide a solution to that crazy grumbling sound in our bellies...actually I KNOW we have all been there! So, we go for something quick and fast. It also doesn't help that each town has at least one to two or even more fast food joints to offer some quick yet unhealthy options for us. How do we avoid this?
How can we avoid being THAT hungry, craving something greasy, cranky as all get out, and that person who has lost all control for healthy determination in need of a fast fix?
Well, it is much simpler than you'd think.
The real fast food, before corporations built these multi-million dollar unhealthy options for us, was good old-fashioned fruits and veggies. Imagine that! Fruits and veggies should always be the number one option when you are in a pinch, and they are sold everywhere we turn as well, although they don't usually have a drive thru. If our struggle is about convenience, then we need to prepare ahead of time. If we pack snacks and quick foods to go in our purse or brief case then we will always have a fast food option that aligns with having a healthy determination. As always preparation is key here; packing up some healthy options on Sunday evening to get ready for the week will help you to be able to grab and go when heading out the door!
I suggest packing apples, bananas, oranges, carrot sticks, celery and even some healthy homemade trail mix! Trail mix is an easy go-to snack when I'm on the go. I put some nuts, raisins, and dried fruit like cranberries in a little Ziploc back or plastic Tupperware container. It is always there and it doesn't fail me. It is also quick to prepare and if I make a bunch at once, I can take little servings for a couple days, so it lasts.
The best way to avoid fast food joints while on the go is to always make sure you have a fast food option in your purse!
Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
Think way back to your high school biology class, you will remember learning that the skin is the largest organ of the body. It’s one of the most important organs of elimination. Through sweating, we get rid of excess heat and toxins. That’s why saunas are so great! Have you heard the saying, “sweat it out”? It’s estimated that one-third of the daily impurities are eliminated through the skin.
Think way back to your high school biology class, you will remember learning that the skin is the largest organ of the body. It’s one of the most important organs of elimination. Through sweating, we get rid of excess heat and toxins. That’s why saunas are so great! Have you heard the saying, “sweat it out”? It’s estimated that one-third of the daily impurities are eliminated through the skin. This is why some people have a weird smell. You need to sweat every day to help the body detox. The skin is an indicator of the body’s health. It shows signs of imbalances and deficiencies. Have a bad night of eating and indulging and it shows up on your face!! Can you say aging and breakouts??
How can dry brushing the skin be a part of a healthy lifestyle? It is actually an old technique and it aids in the detoxification process.
Let’s look at some benefits of dry brushing.
- It stimulates the lymphatic system by helping the lymph flow back into circulation. Remember again from biology class, the body has two sets of vessels; the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is kind of like the “sewage system” of the body. It’s not connected to a pump to keep the fluid moving up towards the heart so it relies on muscle contraction. Along with exercising to squeeze the fluid against gravity towards the heart, dry brushing the skin is another great way to get the fluid moving up. One of the functions of the lymphatic system is to remove toxins and waste from the cells. As blood flows through the arteries, then to the capillaries, fluid leaves the circulatory system carrying to the cells, nutrients and oxygen. Cells are bathed in this fluid called interstitial fluid. Cells excrete waste and debris and it hangs out in the fluid until it’s picked up. About 90% of the fluid re-collects on the venous side of the capillaries. Excess interstitial fluid, with all of the waste it contains, is collected by the lymphatic vessels, carried to the hundreds of lymph nodes where it is filtered, then returned to the circulatory system at a dump site near the heart. If you have a stagnant lymph system, fluid can build up causing edema. Dry brushing helps move this fluid along to get the toxins out!
- It helps reduce the appearance of cellulite! Cellulite is where toxins accumulate and cause the fascia to stick together giving you that “lumpy” appearance. Dry brushing helps unstick the fascia so the lymph with toxins can move along reducing the lumpiness.
- It helps shed dead skin cells and encourages cell renewal. This gives your skin a smoother, brighter, more toned look.
- It’s energizing! Stress releasing!
So how do you dry brush?
- Start with a natural bristle brush made specifically for dry brushing.
- The best time to do this is before you shower. You can do this once or twice a day.
- Start with your feet and you will brush towards the heart. Brush the bottom of the foot on one side, then the top, with firm, but not too hard, strokes. I like to use straight strokes but some use circle motions.
- Continue around the ankle and up the leg making short, straight strokes. I like to use about 10 strokes on the front of the lower leg then over the calf. Work your way over the knee then do the upper leg. Do the other leg.
- Brush upwards on your stomach and your low back as far as you can reach. Brush everything to the heart.
- Do your hands and precede up the arm towards the heart. Brush your armpits, pulling everything to the heart.
- Be gentle on sensitive skin around the chest and breast.
Here is a challenge! Do this for 30 consecutive days and see how great your skin can look!
S & A
Let's Talk About Inflammation
Let's talk about inflammation! First of all, what the heck is inflammation? You hear how it’s related to diseases but what is it really and what causes it? And what is the difference between an infection and inflammation? Let’s take a look. An infection is when a virus or bacteria or a parasite has entered the body and starts to reproduce and illness ensues. Chemicals are released into the blood stream from the invaded tissue and the immune system mounts a response. White blood cells and plasma proteins race to the infected area and release chemicals and start gobbling up the invaders. This causes inflammation!
Let's talk about inflammation! First of all, what the heck is inflammation? You hear how it’s related to diseases but what is it really and what causes it? And what is the difference between an infection and inflammation? Let’s take a look. An infection is when a virus or bacteria or a parasite has entered the body and starts to reproduce and illness ensues. Chemicals are released into the blood stream from the invaded tissue and the immune system mounts a response. White blood cells and plasma proteins race to the infected area and release chemicals and start gobbling up the invaders. This causes inflammation! It’s characterized by the typical signs of redness, swelling, pain and heat at the site of the infection or injury. This is Acute Inflammation. It can be caused by all sorts of things like infection by a pathogen, burns, cuts, chemical irritants, allergies to pollen or bee stings. This is the innate way the body heals itself. It’s a short term, quick to action process. Without it, a single infection would be deadly.
But what happens in Chronic Inflammation?
Scientists are discovering that chronic inflammation is the root cause of diseases like Autoimmune Diseases (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, MS, etc.), Neurological Diseases (Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, Autism, etc.), Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Pulmonary Diseases, Arthritis, etc.
Why does this innate process of healing the body go so haywire that it actually causes so many diseases? The inflammatory process is supposed to be short and sweet and very controlled but when it becomes a constant, low level activation of the immune system, the very components that fight disease start breaking down healthy tissue. When inflammation occurs in the thyroid gland it’s called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. When it happens in the heart and blood vessels, it’s called cardiovascular disease. In the joints, arthritis. In the brain, dementia. So, what are the stressors to the body that cause the inflammatory process to continue and become a chronic condition damaging and scarring healthy tissues throughout the body?
Here is a list of stressors that have been linked to causing chronic inflammation.
- Toxic Diets – diets high in sugar, high fructose corn syrup, processed carbohydrates, bad fats
- Leaky Gut
- A Sedentary Lifestyle
- Toxic exposure to things like heavy metals, pesticides, toxins in body care products and cleaning products
- Stress – both mental and physical
- Food allergies – gluten, dairy, etc.
- Hidden infections – gum disease, Lyme disease and its co-infections, Epstein Barr, toxic mold
- Obesity – fat cells can also produce inflammatory molecules themselves
Finding and addressing the stressors that push your immune system into overdrive is critical to preventing chronic diseases and healing the body. Removing these stressors will help prevent progression of disease and possibly reverse damage produced. We will be talking about ways to help you change your lifestyle in order to see huge improvements to your health. Stay tuned!
S & A
doTERRA's Trim Shake and V Shake Recipe
doTERRA's Trim Shake & V-Shake basic recipe and optional add-in's! I love this quick and easy protein filled shake! It is easy for those on the go, needing that boost of protein and greens!
Basic doTERRA Shake Recipe
& Optional Add-In's
Basic Recipe:
- 1 Scoop ofdoTERRA’S Trim Shake or V Shake Protein Powder – (stabilizes blood sugar)
- /3 Cup of Organic Low Glycemic Fruit (choose 1) – Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cherries, Oranges
- TBSP Chia Seeds or Ground Flax Seeds – (Omega 3’s and fiber)
- Handful of Organic Greens (Spinach, Kale, etc.) or a Scoop of Greens Powder – (alkalizing, antioxidants, vitamins)
- oz + Water/Ice or unsweetened non-dairy milk (almond, coconut, rice, cashew)
Blend until smooth. Add liquid until you have reached the desired thickness. Adding ice increases thickness as well. When you are in a rush or don’t have greens on hand, having a greens powder is convenient. I put the protein powder and greens powder in a blender bottle, add the liquid and shake and go.
Optional Add-Ins:
- 1/3 Banana – (I cut bananas into 1/3’s and wrap in plastic wrap and freeze in a bag)
- TBSP Collagen Powder – (great for skin, hair, nails, gut)
- scoop Mega Food Daily C Protect – (natural vitamin C for immune support)
- TBSP Cacao Powder to make it a chocolate shake if using vanilla protein powder.
- TBSP Fiber powder – (helps with keeping you satisfied and helps elimination)
- drop of Lemon Essential Oil, Wild Orange Essential Oil, or Peppermint Essential Oil (only doTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Oils for internal use) – (detoxifying)
Vanilla Chia Bowl
This Vanilla Chia Bowl will be a delicious and healthy treat for the whole family! Make it the night before and leave it in the fridge for the perfect quick and easy, grab and go breakfast!!
This Vanilla Chia Bowl will be a delicious and healthy treat for the whole family! Make it the night before and leave it in the fridge for the perfect quick and easy, grab and go breakfast!!
Vanilla Chia Bowl
Serves 1
4 tablespoons of chia seeds
1 cup of almond milk
1/2 cup of frozen blueberries
A dash of nutmeg
A dash of cinnamon
Optional Toppings: a small banana sliced, almond slices
Assemble the night before: The evening before combine the chia seeds, almond milk, blueberries, nutmeg and cinnamon into a mason jar, or a container with lid. Mix ingredients well and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning, slice the banana and add on top with the almond slices!
Vegan Protein Bars
These vegan protein bars are great for after workouts and as an in-between meal snack! Click on the blog to see the recipe!
These vegan protein bars are great for after workouts and as an in-between meal snack!
1 1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas (2 1/2-3 bananas)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/8-1/4 cup maple syrup (optional)
4-5 drops of doTERRA's Wild Orange Essential Oil
1-2 drops of doTERRA's OnGuard Protective Blend
2 cups gluten free rolled oats
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup shelled pumpkin seeds (pepita seeds)
1/4 cup hulled hemp seeds
1/4 tsp sea salt,
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Lightly grease a large rectangular baking pan (approx. 8.5" x 12.5"). Line it with a piece of parchment paper so the bars are easier to lift out.
2. In a large bowl, mash the bananas until smooth. Stir in the vanilla, maple syrup, and doTERRA's Wild Orange essential oil and the OnGuard Protective Blend.
3. Place the rolled oats into a food processor (or blender on the lowest setting) and pulse until the oats are coarsely chopped. Add to the bananas and mix.
4. Place the dried cranberries, walnuts, and almonds into the food processor or blender and pulse until the nuts and fruit are coarsely chopped.
5. Add all ingredients into the banana and oats mixture.
6. Spoon mixture into the prepared pan and spread and press down until smooth and even.
7. Bake for 25-30 minutes until firm and lightly golden along the edges. Let cool for about 10 minutes then lift out onto a cooling rack by the parchment paper and let stand until completely cooled.
8. Slice and enjoy!!
Lavender Essential Oil For Stress And Sleep
I am obsessed with lavender essential oil; especially when I am lying down to get some sleep! My mind tends to go 100mph the second my head hits the pillow, which totally throws off my sleep patterns. Since I have been using this amazing essential oil, my mind is at ease and calm which is the perfect combo for a great night sleep!!
Ohhhh lavender, one of my favorite oils!!
I am obsessed with lavender essential oil; especially when I am lying down to get some sleep! My mind tends to go 100mph the second my head hits the pillow, which totally throws off my sleep patterns. This can be due to a hectic schedule, stress and if you're like me, not enough hours in a day to accomplish all the things you need to get done. Since I have been using this amazing essential oil, my mind is at ease and calm which is the perfect combo for a great night sleep and a more productive next day!! Typically I diffuse lavender (with some other amazing oils), as well as rub the oil on my neck and pillow… and
BAM, I sleep like a baby all night.
Lavender has always been known for its calming and relaxing effect and is regularly used to treat high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Also, studies have shown that the use of the scent of lavender increases the time spent in deep sleep…YES PLEASE!
Lavender oil has been used for thousands of years as perfume, a deodorant, disinfectant, insect repellant, and an aphrodisiac. Lavender oil has been known to treat skin issues, reduce anxiety, and strengthen your immune system. Interesting fact, it was also used to tame lions—needless to say, lavender oil is a superstar natural health remedy.
Other health benefits that lavender provides includes skin treatment (especially with acne), digestive relief, and infection prevention and treatment. Lavender has properties that are anti-microbial to reduce fungal and inflammatory infections. This versatile oil has also been used for pain relief, headaches and migraines, muscle aches, menstrual cramps, allergies, asthma, sleep inducing, gas or bloating, burns, chicken pox, dry skin, and muscle relaxant.
For women who are going through menopause, lavender tends to have an estrogen-like effect on the body to help you through the change (not to mention the stress and discomfort that comes with it).
Best results are found when lavender oil is used in your bath, diffused into the air, or used directly on your skin. For your bath, mix about 5 or 6 drops into the bath water. If you are diffusing the oil into the air, I suggest 10-12 drops of lavender and only two drops if you are applying directly onto the skin.
What are you waiting for, if you are interested in Essentail Oils, contact us & we would love to share with you the essential oils we use!